Top Ten Reasons Why Star Wars
is Better Than Star Trek!

10. Chewbacca can rip Worf's arms off without even rufflin' his fur.
9. Who would you rather have on your side in a fight, Ewoks or Tribbles.
8. At least Han Solo gets to keep the girl in the end.
7. The Millenium Falcon blew up 2 Death Stars, The Enterprise couldn't even blow up the Borg Ship.
6. Everytime you turn around somebody in Star Wars is losing a body part.
5. Darth Vader could fling those blasted Jem Hadar all over the place!
4. Droids are cool!
3. Star Wars doesn't need any alternate universe stories to boost it's ratings.
2. Two Words: Boba Fett.
1. Luke can always whip out his lightsaber, ignite it, and tell Captain Kirk, "Mine is bigger than yours!"

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Updated 22 May 1997