Excerpts from the Pool Pages

Marc Mills' Hair to Appear in Museum Exhibit
from The Pool Pages, Issue #2, April 1997

Chicago, Ill-- According to an unknown source known merely as "Bubba," the hair that so beautifully decorates the head of Marc Mills will be shown in an exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. The exhibit, appropriately titled Things that make you go hmmmm, will feature such classics as Gonzo's nose and Elizabeth Taylor's original face.

The decision to submit Marc's hair came from Marc himself. "I realized that my hair was, indeed, art, and that I was, indeed, the artist," says he. Marc has, however, been forced to conform to the system of the museum in some ways (Indeed). "The chairperson of this exhibit wanted me to enter as mixed medium. I was astonished. Mixed medium? This is pure, one hundred percent! "

Marc also faced adversities in gaining his acceptance. "When the representative came into the office to notify me of my acceptance, he saw Dan hair. I thought sure he would ditch me for Dan's more contemporary style of art." However, Marc succeeded in his goals and achieved the recognition which he believes his hair deserves.

The exhibit will begin on April 18, the day after the Hyapatia Lee exhibit is set conclude. Marc is ecstatic. "This rules," he says. "Who knows...I could be doing Denorex commercials next!"

Tickets for the exhibit will be raffled. Visit the office to enter.

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I am not in any way involved in this enterprise.

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Updated 22 May 1997