My 'Pool Graphics

James Baronowsky,
Master of Part Numbers both Great and Small -
A heroic tribute to a man who has spent way too much time at the 'Pool...

My Graduation Wall Spot -
Those who graduate from Purdue and leave the 'Pool are allowed to fill in a spot the size of a cinder block on the graduation wall. This is my personal memorial, a representation of the skid barcodes we use to route pallets to the racks.

Baby Jarrod!
Thanks to the wonders of computer technology, Jarrod got to go to Susan's niece's birthday party!

Funny, I don't remember that day...
Also thanks to the wonders of computer technology, I got to join Susan's family for dinner.

My King's Island coloring contest entry -
In June 1996, the 'Pool held a drawing for a free ticket to the King's Island amusement park. Each employee was allowed to enter by coloring in a picture. Well, I didn't like the picture (because it was faxed and all grainy), so I created my own and colored it in. Some people were upset that I was one of the two winners, but there weren't any rules saying that you had to use the given sheet...

Jason R. as Beavis -

Jason R. - "I need TP" -

Mrs. Mike? -
If Mike had married James...

No, I don't have too much spare time on my hands... I just put more effort into useless activities...

I've created a monster!

My self-portrait -

More to come... Someday I'll have the time to finish the one million BogeyBucks drawing, and then this collection will be complete!
Comments, suggestions, complaints? - Contact me by email

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Updated 22 May 1997